Term Ends: 2022
Party: N
In 2001, John Weimer was elected to serve as an Associate Justice on the Louisiana Supreme Court, District 6, comprised of the parishes of: Assumption, Iberia, Lafourche, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Charles, St. James, St. John the Baptist, St. Martin, St. Mary, Terrebonne, and a portion of the west bank of Jefferson, which includes Grand Isle. In 2002 and again in 2012, Justice Weimer was re-elected to a 10-year term without opposition.
In 1998, he was elected to serve on Louisiana’s First Circuit Court of Appeal. In 1995, he was elected to serveas Judge, Division A, of the 17th Judicial District Court and re-elected in 1996 without opposition.
He began his judicial career following a 7½ month appointment by the Louisiana Supreme Court to serve as Judge pro tempore, Division D, of the 17th Judicial District Court in 1993.
Judge Weimer was honored with the Outstanding Judicial Award from Victims and Citizens Against Crime and with the Outstanding Jurist Award from Crimefighters, Inc.–both statewide organizations dedicated to victims of crime. Additionally, Justice Weimer was honored by Common Sense Against Crime and Crimefighters with an Award of Merit. In 2006, Justice Weimer was named as one of the leading judges in America by a national publication, The Law Dragon. He was recognized for his significant assistance in establishing the Lafourche Parish Drug Treatment Court.
Justice Weimer formerly served on the Board of Directors of the Louisiana Center for Law and Civic Education. He frequently teaches at schools throughout the district he serves. He established and coordinates the Lafourche Parish Student Government Day Program.
Prior to taking the bench, Justice Weimer was a full-time faculty member at Nicholls State University where he taught law and ethics classes. He received the Presidential Award for Teaching Excellence and was also named to Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers three times. He also served as director of the Free Enterprise Week Program at Nicholls. He practiced law in Thibodaux and was certified as a mediator.
Justice Weimer is an award-winning self-taught amateur painter whose donated works have raised thousands of dollars for countless charities. He was commissioned to design the posters for the 2005 and 2007 International Grand Isle Tarpon Rodeo. His paintings have also appeared on the cover of the Louisiana Bar Journal.
Justice Weimer was born and raised in Lafourche Parish, graduated from Thibodaux High School and is an academic honors and Hall of Fame graduate of Nicholls State University, where he twice served as student body President. He received his Juris Doctorate from LSU. Justice Weimer is married to Penny Hymel, a former elementary school teacher, who was born and raised in the River Parishes. They are the parents of three daughters.