Term Ends: 2026
Party: R
Ray attended Loyola Law School and was a solo practitioner in Gretna until when he was elected to the bench of the 24th Judicial District Court in Jefferson Parish in May, 2010. Ray has always been active in the state and local bar associations. He has served in the LSBA House of Delegates for many years, he was president of the Jefferson Bar Association in 2002, President of Southeast Louisiana Legal Services from 2005-2006, and is Past President of St. Thomas More Catholic Lawyers Association. Ray currently serves on the LSBA Access to Justice Committee, Committee on the Profession and Nominating Committee. He is a Bar Foundation Fellow and serves on the Bar Foundation Grants Committee and Gala Committee. Ray regularly volunteers to present Professionalism Programs to the bar and to the Tulane and Loyola Law Schools 1L and 3L classes. He is also active in the Judges/Lawyers in the Classroom program with the LA Center for Law & Civic Education Committee of the LSBA.