Term Ends: 2026
Party: D
On August 22, 2014, The Honorable Tracey Flemings-Davillier was re-elected without opposition to serve a second term as Judge of Orleans Parish Criminal District Court, Section “B”.
Since taking the Criminal District Court bench in January 2013, Judge Davillier has worked to manage the Court docket in an efficient and professional manner. Judge Davillier also serves as the Judicial Liaison over Court Intervention Services, which oversees Drug Court, Domestic Violence Monitoring Court, Mental Health Court and Pretrial Services. In addition, Judge Davillier serves on the Court’s Rules, Pretrial Services, Legislative, Construction and Magistrate Oversight Committees. Judge Davillier has been appointed by Louisiana Supreme Court Chief Justice Johnson to serve on the Louisiana Body Camera Task Force. Judge Davillier has served on various criminal justice reform and Judicial / Legal related panels. Most recently Judge Davillier served on a panel titled “The Opioid Crisis” in conjunction with the 93rd Annual National Bar Association Convention held in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Judge Davillier currently serves on an active working committee in partnership with the City of New Orleans Blueprint for Safety, a collaborative interagency initiative to implement consistent policies and procedures amongst criminal justice agencies to address domestic violence. She has spent countless hours working on Court policies and procedures for the Domestic Violence Monitoring Court program, as well as the Disparate Impact subcommittee. In addition, she has worked with several Domestic Violence advocates and stakeholders to ensure that the voices of victims are always heard. Judge Davillier is a member of various Judicial/Bar and civic organizations, including The American Bar Association, The National Association of Women Judges, The National Bar Association Judicial Council, The Louisiana State Bar Association, The Louisiana District Judges Association, The Louisiana Judicial Council, Louisiana Judicial College (2016 Spring Conference Planning Committee), Fourth and Fifth Circuit Judges Association, The Greater New Orleans Louis A. Martinet Legal Society, Inc. and The New Orleans Bar Association.
Judge Davillier was previously elected to the Orleans Parish Juvenile Court in February 2010, where she served as the Deputy Chief in 2011 and 2012. During her professional career as an attorney at Phelps Dunbar from September 1994 to February 2010, Judge Davillier handled a wide variety of complex legal matters, such as insurance-related cases and products liability matters, and she played an integral role in the supervision and training of associates on various projects.
Judge Davillier has been a dynamic attorney, who has invested her time, energy, talent, and leadership abilities in the City of New Orleans. In recognition for her service to the community, she has been awarded the City Business Leadership in Law Award; the Crystal Gavel Award (Louisiana State Bar Association); the Gillis Long Poverty Law Center Award (Loyola University School of Law); the Distinguished Service as a Pro Bono Volunteer Award (2003, 2004 and 2006); and the Young Leadership Award (Greater New Orleans Louis A. Martinet Legal Society, Inc.).